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A Plant Is Growing In My Garden and I Didn’t Put It There!

Patty Carluccio

Has this happened to you? You notice a plant growing in your garden that’s not really a weed and you didn’t put it there? How did it get there and what should you do?

My recommendation, leave it. A seed somehow ended up in that spot and it really likes the soil and location. It’s could be a keeper, right there and will be easy to maintain. If you want to move it over a bit that’s fine, but wait until fall when it’s bigger and more established. It’s a free plant, is happy and wants to be in your garden.

This happens to me all the time. Some of my plants seem to move around on their own so I just roll with it. For example, my black-eyed-susans seem to have relocated several times. There are areas that used to be full of them and now other plants grow there. And, I have new areas filled with black-eyed-susans so I leave them alone.

Asters and milkweed randomly showed up here too. The milkweed flowers smell amazing and now I have monarchs. Bees love the asters and their little flowers are so pretty.

If the new plants are crowding out something else dig them and give to friends or plant elsewhere in your garden.

Enjoy your new plants!! Happy Gardening!



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