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What We Can Do Today

Patty Carluccio

Recently I saw a social media exchange about the “best way to combat the climate crisis is to influence politicians to support the climate agenda.” I’m not sure how I personally can do that and whether or not it will have an impact. But, I do know that there are things that I have been doing in my own backyard that everyone can do that will help without having to spend a fortune.

Firstly, improving your soil to easily absorb and store rain instead of runoff into drains is one of the easiest and most practical things we can do. I noticed in my own back yard that the very large puddles formed in my yard after a heavy rain are gone. My neighbors, however, still have their puddles.

How did I do it? I think it’s a byproduct of my regenerative gardening and landscaping practices. I stopped using fertilizers (I’m cheap and lazy) and years later also found out that synthetic fertilizers actually hurt the worms and biodiversity in the ground. I also have a mulching mower and mulch grass clippings back into my yard. If the grass it tall I collect it in the bag and sprinkle around my flower beds to feed the worms. I also use my leaves as mulch in my garden beds. I know it's not a "golf course" lawn but it's green. I do have some pretty flowers in it at times. Its truly a healthy lawn.

My soil absorbs rain easily right now. And, I don’t have to water very much once plants are established. I think this is helping deal with water issues.

My trees and bushes are also getting big so I’m doing much more shade gardening. Shade is obviously cooler and there are so many beautiful shade loving plants and bushes that don’t require much care. All of the additional leaf surfaces facilitate photosynthesis which absorbs carbon from the atmosphere and stores it in the ground. That’s a win too!

I hope you’ll make some of these adjustments in your own yard. And, if you’re able to influence politicians, more power to you.

Happy Gardening!




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