Pretty Simple Gardens
Tips for a Pretty Garden
* My tips are "general rules of thumb" that I have learned over the years for plants that I grow in my New England gardens. It's a process that, if you follow, will simplify gardening. It begins with keeping your yard "waste" in your yard and use it to feed the worms to improve your soil. Healthy soil means healthy plants. Healthy plants survive insects while predators move in to provide balance in your garden without using any chemicals. Mother Nature knows what she is doing. The results will be so pretty!!

Gardening is so healthy for you! I hope that my tips help keep you healthy and strong along with your plants. You can lift, bend and stay strong in your own yard. Breathing in fresh air and digging in the soil is so relaxing.
My tips are environmentally friendly. I'm not a fan of chemicals at all. My feeling is, if a plant needs lots of care and chemicals then it won't make it in my garden. I've found that no-til gardening and improving my soil keep my plants strong so that they can survive bugs and disease more readily without chemicals.
For my frugal friends - I don't want to spend a lot either. I keep it simple and inexpensive.
I love veggies and am learning how to grow them successfully. I'm experimenting with companion planting and different regenerative methods. I'm doing my part to keep the bees buzzing, butterflies flying and birds chirping in my 1/3 acre plot.